Saturday, October 8, 2011

Done feeling sorry for you & I'm done feeling sorry for myself.

The following entries were written at a time of anger... I'm not so angry anymore.

I am angry, I've lost a whole yea ron you, on what you left, on our memories, on the idea of us. I will never get that year back. I was not strong enough, but now I am. I am tough, soft around the edges but on the inside I am unbreakable. I am done being broken, I am done feeling sorry for myself. I am done trying to keep those you loved up. If they don't care about me, support me, or have the balls to approach me- Then why should I give them the time of day? Life is short, time is valuable. I don't have time for anyone's BULLSHIT. They only feel sorry for me. NOT anymore.

I feel sorry for you.

I am calling YOU out. You are rude on every level & I still feel the need to keep you as a friend. I hope the bridges you burn light the way. I'm sick & tired of being on the back burner, I'm tired of sticking up for you. Considered this a call out to end the bullshit. You are a chameleon, & you have NO idea who you are. One day when you find yourself let me know because maybe that girl who was once one of my best friends will show up again, or maybe she is forever lost.

Got here by running my mouth... Fake people, fake girl, fake friend. Rude people, rude girl, rude friend.

I'm glad that my life is 5 times more interesting than yours & you feel the need to talk about it. I usually try to not act like I'm in high school anymore but due to the fact that half the people around me will never grow out of high school I feel as if I should fill you in on my honest sincere thoughts... I can make my own choices, I can do whatever I damn well please whenever I damn well want with NO regrets. I'm not sorry for who I am who for the choices I have made. If you risk nothing, you risk everything. So for those of you who feel the need to talk about me & my life... Please understand that YOU don't known the first thing about me.

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